Green Skittles Punch

A guide on how to make a green skittle punch. A concoction with depths of flavour and vibrant colour!

A green drink inside a pineapple garnished with a mini bag or green and yellow skittles

Image Credit: Tales and Tails UK

This was such a tasty tropical treat and packed with a lot of flavours! The vibrant colour was so pretty I thought I would add some contrast by serving it in a pineapple.

Green skittles
50ml Coconut rum
Pineapple juice
25ml Midori
Lime juice

Place green skittles in coconut rum and leave overnight

Pour the skittles infused coconut rum and midori into a pineapple, top it up with pineapple juice and add a dash of lime juice


Bag of green and yellow skittles


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