How To Make Hibiscus Syrup

A guide on how to make the sweet and floral hibiscus syrup.

This is one of the tastiest syrups and perfect for the festive season.

I kept the ginger notes very subtle as I wanted to focus on the hibiscus taste for this cocktail however, add a lot more ginger if you want more of a kick!


Equal parts sugar and water (I used around 250ml)
1 small bowl full of dried hibiscus
Lemon peel
Ground ginger (To your desired taste)


1) Add dried hibiscus flowers, lemon peels and ginger to equal parts of sugar and water

2) Bring to a boil then simmer for 10 mins

3) Allow to cool down before using


This is my preference on making the syrup I’m aware there many different ways people make theirs but nonetheless they are all tasty!

Also, do not be too rigid on the measurements as long as the sugar to water ratio is equal!

The other ingredients you can add as little or as much to your desired intensity and taste!

Video Tutorial


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