Ugandan Waragi: Pineapple Gin Blues

A guide on how to make a electric Ugandan Waragi: Pineapple Gin Blues cocktail.

Image Credit: Tales and Tails UK

As part of our black history month series we are celebrating black owned spirits and beverage brands.

I was gifted this bottle from a friend at the perfect time and was really intrigued to try pineapple gin for the first time.

I enjoyed the citrusy and floral taste of this gin, and the hint of pineapple made it really easy to pair with the other ingredients in the cocktail.

This was also the perfect excuse to use my swan glass! If you scroll down to the recipe visuals you can read about the important symbolism that birds play, in relation to this gin and Ugandan history.

Flavour profile: Floral, sweet, zesty, citrus


50ml Ugandan Waragi pineapple gin
50ml Pineapple juice
25ml Lime juice
15ml Blue curacao


Add all the ingredients to a shaker and pour into a swan glass

Pineapple leaves

Video Tutorial

Check out the recipe visuals!


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